
The Samoa Bureau of Statistics (SBS) has taken a huge step in making official statistics easier to understand, usable and more accessible for the general public.  The launch of simplified statistical products this morning was opened by the Assoc. Minister of Works, Afioga Niuava Eti Fata Malolo with the keynote address delivered by First Secretary, Mr Gregory Furness, of the Australian High Commission.

The launching, held at the Fagamalo EFKS Hall at Gagaemauga 2 district, was witnessed by representatives from neighbouring districts Gagaemauga 1, Gagaifomauga 1, Gagaifomauga 2 and Gagaifomauga 3.  The launching is the culmination of the SBS Communications Strategy 2023-2026 work developed through the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) Project, funded through the Tautai Governance for Economic Growth Program (“Tautai”).

The intended outcome of the campaign is to “raise awareness, engage users and generate support among the public, civil society and institutional users to promote the understanding and uses of statistics”, a key focus of the Samoa Statistics Strategy 2022-2026.

In his opening address, Afioga Niuava Eti Fata Malolo acknowledged the continued financial and technical assistance of the Government of Australia through the Australian High Commission and “Tautai” which made all this work possible.  He stated that this was testament to the strong partnership between the Governments of Samoa and Australia in their belief in the provision of trusted and valued official statistics for national planning, and informed decision-making purposes.  He encouraged the continued partnership between SBS and “Tautai” in the future, for the benefit of Samoa and her people.

Mr. Gregory Furness in his keynote address stressed the importance of statistics not only for national planning purposes, but also that development partners rely heavily on these official statistics in deciding key development priority areas, in the appropriation of development aid.  For instance, statistics on environment, impacts of climate change, economic stability, democracy and others is critical for informed decision making.  He further stated that with the additional responsibilities on District Development Councils (DDC) for the labour mobility and seasonal employment schemes, trusted and valued statistics has never been more important.  He acknowledged the importance of today’s event noting that in order for these statistics to be used, they first need to be made available and accessible for all.

The statistical communication products launched included the SBS impact-service focused video, Labour Force and Child Survey findings video showing a gradual increase in employment since 2012, district specific data wall planners showing population statistics, various pull up banners and posters highlighting use of statistics for national planning and informed decision making.

To acquire a copy of any of these products, please contact Va’asiliega Ailepata Simanu (email: ) or Fiu Alaiula Ioasa at

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