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Social & Environmental Statistics Division (SSD)

Social statistics provides the information needed to support Samoa’s national priorities, social sector development plans and related socio-economic policy objectives including SDG’s, hardship alleviation, social protection, health, education as well as people empowerment, the division follows a well-defined process for its operations.  This systematic approach ensures the division’s effectiveness in gathering and disseminating critical social and environmental data.

This division plays a pivotal role in collecting, collating and managing data for analysis and subsequent publishing of monthly migration and tourism statistics utilized by the Central Bank of Samoa (CBS), Ministry of the Prime Minister (MPMC), Samoa Tourism Authority (STA) and other organizations to inform their reports, policies and plans.  These reports provide up-to-date insight into this significant sector.  A comprehensive Statistical Abstract providing a consolidated overview of vital data is also compiled by this division.

The SESD conducts through labour force surveys, producing and releasing comprehensive report every 5years detailing labour force dynamics.  The latest Labour Force and Child Labour Survey 2022 is available here.  Working in close collaboration with MNRE, data collected on energy use, water resources, RE share in total energy use and other critical environmental data contributes to improved climate change information and projections.  The compilation and publishing of environmental statistics contributes to user and audience understanding of environmental trends and challenges. Managing and analyzing data collected on education, health and judicial statistics is another critical part of the SSD work.

ACEO Social & Environmental Statistics Division
Papali'i Benjamin Sila

Principal Statistician - Migration Statistics Unit
Faigalotu Taamilosaga

Principal Statistician - Environment Stats
Mose Topeto

Senior Statistician - Migration
Pepe Tavita

Senior Statistician & Environment Stats
Tausulu Vaai-Reupena

Statistical Officer
Sera Eti

Statistical Officer

Statistical Clerk
Tiara Sialaoa

Statistical Clerk

Statistical Clerk
Mafiti Mapu