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Samoa Bureau of Statistic’s 2nd Statistics Forum – Helping Samoa make inform Decisions for a Better Tomorrow

    Statistical information available to the public is a vital resource to be utilized by the Government, business community, financial institutions, development partners and the public as a whole in making informed decisions for medium and long-term developments. Hence awareness of statistics that are available in a timely manner is crucial to ensure informed decision making is conducted at all levels of the economy.

    The Bureau of Statistics hosted a 2nd Statistics Forum following the first forum that was held in March 2022 to inform users, producers and providers of statistical data on the latest available indicators. The 2nd forum focuses on socio-economic statistics that are compiled and disseminated by the Bureau from time to time. The objective is to increase awareness and to strengthen partnerships between producers and users of statistics, to ensure the statistical demand in policy formulation and informed decision making for developments are properly addressed.

    As we are planning to conduct this annually, it is a good opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback on statistical issues that need addressing or suggest any area that needs improvement.



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