Samoa Bureau of Statistics Internal Communications Protocols


  • We are focused on being clear, meaningful and relevant in all communication
  • We are open to communication at all levels, and respectful of all

Goal – To improve communication between all people in SBS so that:

  • All staff are fully informed and engaged
  • Communications go to all appropriate people
  • Mis-communication is minimised

Communicate well

  • Use focussed, honest communication
  • All people are important: show respect
  • Be professional, not personal
  • Acknowledge others work
  • Use the language you are most comfortable in
  • Listen – two-way communication works

Maintain good relationships

  • Use the appropriate channels – communicate through the person you report to.
  • Managers maintain good relations with their staff by ensuring they are informed first about matters that affect them
  • Always discuss an issue with your direct manager first. If they are not available and you need to go higher, brief your direct manager as soon as possible
  • All levels have an open door, but only use these when normal channels fail

Follow email protocols
Email is a core communication tool and must be treated as official communication.

  • Read your emails every day
  • Respond within a day
  • Copy the appropriate people
  • Follow up with a conversation either before or after
  • If angry or offended, don’t respond till later, then tackle the issue not the person.


  • On the job coaching and training in effective language for professional communication
  • Managers lead by example and provide supportive feedback to increase skills
  • Regular team meetings – weekly
  • Regular one-one staff progress discussions – at least monthly
  • Check if communication has improved e.g. with staff engagement survey

Samoa Bureau of Statistics External Communications Protocols


  • We are focused on being clear, meaningful and relevant in all communication with our stakeholders
  • We ensure we understand our audience and tailor our communication to meet their needs.

Goal – To improve communication with stakeholders so that:

  • Users and data suppliers have increased awareness of the roles of SBS
  • The availability and usefulness of statistics increases
  • The information is disseminated in ways that meets user data needs


Communicate well and often

  • Use focussed, honest communication
  • Be professional
  • Contact regular users and suppliers often
  • Listen and make sure you understand the issue or request
  • Follow good email practices

Maintain good relationships

  • Be aware of the SBS service charter and follow it
  • Build relationships through informal discussion
  • Use the appropriate channels for requests e.g. ACEO to ACEO
  • If you pass a request on to someone else to action, follow up to make sure it is done
  • Follow up emails with a phone call if needed
  • Develop a Memorandum of Understanding for each sector and major suppliers, to ensure mutual understanding


Release Information to meet user needs

  • The website is the first place to look for information for many users.
  • Make sure every information release is on the website on the day
  • Provide Samoan translation of all short information releases and summaries of long technical reports
  • Follow the Dissemination Policy and SBS Style Guide
  • Email releases as well as paper copies.

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