
“Statistics made easy for the general public”

The Samoa Bureau of Statistics (SBS) will be launching a suite of statistical communication products on Thursday 30 May 2024 in Savaii, at the Fagamalo EFKS Hall, 8:30– 11:00am.  The initiative is the brainchild of the Bureau after calls from several partners and stakeholders for simplified statistical information, for use of communities and the public at large.

The SBS is the nation’s central organisation responsible for the provision of fit for purpose, valued, reliable and timely official statistics to inform policy and decision making at the national and international levels.  The call by stakeholders for simplified statistical products also meets one of the Samoa Statistics Strategy 2022-2026 objectives of “making statistics easy to access and use”.

Funded through the Tautai Governance for Economic Growth Program, the SBS communication products being launched are designed specifically so the general public can better understand how data is compiled, analysed, and utilised to produce official national financial statistics, population count, economic reports and other key statistics for policy planning and decision making, at all levels of government.

Some of the products to be launched include a simplified table of statistics in a ‘wall calendar’ format.  Statistics include district specific data disaggregated by sex; People with Disabilities (PWD); Children attending/not attending school; Employed/unemployed and total population per district.  Other products to be launched on the day include English and Samoan videos on SBS services, pull-up banners, posters, SBS Communications Strategy 2023-2026 and the user-friendly dissemination process via the SBS website and its Facebook page.  District specific data wall calendars will be distributed to all 51 districts, while all products will be made available on the SBS website after the launch.

The event will be officiated by the Government of Samoa and Australia represented by the Associate Minister of Works, Trasport and Infrastructure [Afioga Niuava Fata Eti Malolo] and First Secretary, Australian High Commission [Mr. Gregory Furness].

For further information about this event please contact 62000 or email Alaiula Ioasa at or Siala Lova at

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