
Supervisor Training with Enumerator Training to Follow.

Field day testing in the village of AeleFou!

Taking our learning and testing our survey with the kind patience and hospitality of Nu’u Aele Fou. Thank you for the hospitality and the opportunity to test out our survey!

Apia, 27-31 March, 2023 Week 2

The lives of women and men are intrinsically related to the environment. However, women and men may experience these connections differently. Understanding the multi-dimensional nature of the gender-environment nexus requires individual level analysis of women’s and men’s experiences managing natural resources, dealing with hazards, coping with the consequences of climate change and promoting environmental conservation, among many other areas.

To support the collection of official statistics on the gender-environment nexus, UN Women developed this Model Questionnaire, in close consultation with FAO, ILO, IUCN, UNEP, UNDRR and UNESCAP. In 2023, UN women is supporting the Samoa Bureau of Statistics (SBS) to implement a nationally representative survey on #Gender and the #Environment utilizing a Model Questionnaire informed by national consultation and with technical assistance from the Ministry of Women, Community, and Social Development. Building Back Better is possible with the generous financial support of the Government of Australia, and with technical contributions from the Pacific Community (SPC). The survey is expected to be implemented in April 2023.
UN Women is supporting the Samoa Bureau of Statistics (SBS) to implement a nationally representative survey on Gender and the Environment utilizing the Model Questionnaire, with the support of the Government of Australia, and the technical support provided by the Pacific Community (SPC).

The survey will help understand the multi-dimensional nature of the gender environment nexus which requires individual level analysis of women’s and men’s experience managing natural resources, dealing with hazards, coping with the consequences of climate change and promoting environmental conversation, among many other areas.
From the 27th – 31st March 2023, UN Women and SBS will be hosting a series of training for the supervisors to test the Model Questionnaire being developed. The training will cover all aspects of data collection, from general description and objectives of the project, to specific concepts, and definitions, and hands-on work with the tools to implement the survey.

Source: Facebook, Mele Mauala.


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