Economic Statistics Division
To provide the necessary information to assist in monitoring and evaluating economic activities ensuring diversification and resilience in all economic sectors of the economy, especially at the grass root level. Particular sectors include, Agriculture and Fisheries, Tourism and private sector businesses community
Economic Statistics provide the necessary information to assist in monitoring and evaluating economic activities ensuring diversification and resilience in all economic sectors of the economy, especially at the grassroot level. The sectors of Agriculture and Fisheries and Tourism are of particular importance to the economy of Samoa and statistics on these are used widely by the private sector business community as well as government.
Publish monthly and quarterly Merchandised Trade Data (Improve and update trade valuation & classification of trade data ensuring consistency in data and reporting; HS codes, SITC codes and CDV valuation)
• Improve the quality and coverage of price statistics using results from most recent HIES to rebase CPI
• Review and rebase Local Market Survey.
• Rebase CPI using HIES 2018 data
Collect regular production and RTL indicators for major crops e.g. Kava, taro, cocoa etc to promote domestic agriculture as alternative livelihood – Improve collection of export data.
Publish Monthly CPI Report and Local Market Report.
Publish CPI Rebasing report.
Transport data published in the Statistical Abstract
– i.e. Registered cars by type, including heavy machineries; and transport infrastructure
Bi annual Shipping Statistics report
Economics Statistics Division
Taala Lilianetelani Hennemann