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Economic Statistics Division

The Economic Statistics Division carries out several essential tasks in a systematic manner. We begins by gathering, organizing, and analyzing trade statistics, ensuring that this important economic data is readily available to those who need it.

The division also publishes monthly reports on the Consumer Price Index, offering insights into price trends. Furthermore, it shares valuable information through reports on local market surveys. Additionally, the division compiles and shares statistics on infrastructure and transportation, contributing to our understanding of these key sectors.

We conducts surveys on agriculture and produces detailed reports on the agricultural industry. Lastly, it conducts the Household, Income, and Expenditure Survey (HIES) and publishes comprehensive reports that provide insights into income and spending patterns. This structured approach ensures that the division effectively provides vital economic information.

ACEO Economics Statistics Division
Taala Lilianetelani Hennemann

Principal Statistician - Prices

Principal Statistician - Trade
Alaiula Abute Ioasa

Senior Statistician - Prices
Siata Tagaloa Ulu - Faamoe

Senior Statistician- Trade
Silaulii Misiluki

Statistical Officer - Prices
Laveaina Loia

Statistical Officer - Prices
Legatasia Auvae

Statistical Officer - Trade
Masani Enele

Statistical Officer - Trade
Faamaile Etuale Liu

Statistical Clerk - Prices CPI & ICP
Eseta Sam Ling

Statistical Clerk - Prices
Tyson Toma Leota

Statistical Clerk - Trade

Statistical Clerk - Trade
Joseph Junior Iefata