The Census and Survey Division started the Training of Trainers (ToT) and Pre-test of the Questionnaires for the Samoa Demographic and Health Survey-Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (SDHS-MICS) 2025 on the 10th of February to the 14th of March. The overall objective of the ToT and pre-test of the questionnaires is to verify the functionality of the customized questionnaires within the unique context of our Samoa.
The ToT was conducted at the Census and Survey room at Level 5 of the Development Bank of Samoa and was led by the UNICEF-MICS Consultant Mr James Kaphuka with the assistance of the UNFPA consultant, Associate Professor Kristin Diemer.
After the trainings, the paper questionnaire or Paper and Pen Interview (PAPI) method was tested at the village of Letogo and the Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) system was tested at the village of Vailele.