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Census, Surveys & Demography Statistics Division

To provide the necessary information on population dynamics as building blocks for policy development and evaluation, in every aspect of social and economic development

Censuses and surveys are essential tools in the world of statistics. They give us a wealth of information about all aspects of society, including important topics like gender, disability, and age. This information is crucial for reporting at local, national, and global levels, including tracking progress on the SDG 2030 Agenda. These data-gathering efforts also give us a starting point for creating the most commonly used statistical measurements.

Censuses and surveys are key activities in the development of statistics, as they provide detailed information in every sphere of the society, including key cross-cutting themes, such as gender, disability, and age, that are required for national, regional and global reporting including the SDG 2030 Agenda. They also provide baseline information for the compilation of the most frequent key statistical indicators. Delivery of the results for these major surveys, and associated analysis, in a timely and accessible way is essential to the credibility of the statistical system.

ACEO Census, Surveys & Demography Statistics Division
Taiaopo Faumuina

Principal GIS & Cartography Officer
Gisborne Aniva Nati

Principal Survey Officer
Lewis Sinclair

Principal Quality Management
Kaisarina Moananu

Senior Survey Operation Officer
Pepe Vaiau

Senior Survey Operation Officer
Ken Faaofo

Senior Questionnaire Design & Manual Officer
Atulia Lavea

Senior Training & Media Publicity Officer
Victoria T. Tuivaiti

Statistical Officer
Folavale Sooamalii

Statistical Officer
Meipo Lomiga

Cartographer Officer
Iosefa Lualua

GIS Officer
Telefina Potifara